Mohamad Kamal A Rahim, Title: Luneburg Lens with Antenna for Beam Forming NetworkZhewang Ma, Title: Accurate Design of Higher-Performance Bandpass Filters Using Multi-Mode Dielectric Resonators for Wireless Communication Base StationsWithawat Withayachumnankul, Title: Terahertz Waves for Sensing Acoustic VibrationsKoji Yamanaka, Title: Future prospects of High Power Amplifier Technologies Toward 6GTakeshi Fukusako, Title: Considerations on Relatively Stable Characteristics of Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Antennas for Less Effect of Ground Plane SizeAtsushi Sanada, Title: Terahertz metasurface technologies for 6G RIS and cloaking applicationsProf. Steven Gao, Title: Ultra-Wideband Dual-Polarized Tightly Coupled Phased Arrays for Future Integrated Communications, Sensing and Imaging
Joint APMC/ EuMC special session: mmW and THz Systems
Prof. Dr. Sungtek Kahng, Title: Microwave and Millimeter-wave Metamaterial RF Components for 5G Mobile and NTN-Compliant Satellite AntennasProf. Wei Hong. , TItle: mmWave and THz ASoB and ASoCIngmar Kallfass, Title: Combined Time and Frequency Domain Wideband Characterisation of Submillimetre-Wave Active TransceiversProf. Dr. M.K. Matters-Kammerer, Title: Broadband Electronic-Photonic Millimeter-wave to Terahertz systemsProf. Guillaume Ducournau, Title: THz communications & photonics techniques for mm-wave/THz devices and system measurements