Title: Luneburg Lens with Antenna for Beam Forming Network
Mohamad Kamal A Rahim
Advanced RF and Microwave Research Group
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
This paper discusses the design, development, and performance measurement of a plate Luneburg lens operating at 17 GHz. The Luneburg lens generally is a spherically symmetric gradient-index lens where the refractive index decreases radially from the center to the outer surface. In this paper, a plate Luneburg lens is developed following the principles of Snell’s Law, which is applying a continuous change in the refractive index to achieve specific optical properties. Plus, the lens is designed to achieve narrow beamwidth (10°) on the H-plane. The plate Luneburg lens is simulated and fabricated using foam material, with varying permittivity achieved through different compaction levels. The performance of the plate Luneburg lens is measured using an open-ended WR-62 waveguide. The measured results show that the structure achieved a +4° difference compared with the simulated result at -3 dB at the H-plane