Dassault Systemes SIMULIA CST Studio Suite® is a high-performance 3D electromagnetics (EM) analysis software package for designing, analyzing and optimizing EM components and systems.

Electromagnetic field solvers for applications across the EM spectrum are contained within a single user interface in CST Studio Suite. The solvers can be coupled to perform hybrid simulations, giving engineers the flexibility to analyze whole systems made up of multiple components in an efficient and straightforward way. Common subjects of EM analysis include:  

  • Performance and efficiency of antennas and filters.
  • Electromagnetic compatibility and interference (EMC/EMI).
  • Exposure of the human body to EM fields.
  • Electro-mechanical effects in motors and generators.
  • Thermal effects in high-power devices.

Furthermore, CST Studio Suite® gives customers access to multiple electromagnetic (EM) simulation solvers. The range includes methods such as the finite element method (FEM) the finite integration technique (FIT), and the transmission line matrix method (TLM). The named three methods represent the most powerful general-purpose solvers for electromagnetic simulation tasks. CST Studio Suite offers solution methods in time domain and in frequency domain. The applicability range are, such as:

  • High-Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation Solvers
    • Time Domain Solver, Frequency Domain Solver
      • Application using medium-to-large models, 3D electronics, resonant structures, multi-port systems
    • Asymptotic Solver
      • Installed performance of antennas, scattering analysis
  • Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation Solvers
    • Electrostatic Solver
      • Charged particle devices
    • Magnetostatic Solver
      • Sensors, electrical machines
    • Low Frequency – Frequency & Time Domain Solver
      • RFID and wireless power transfer, transformers, motors, generators
  • Multiphysics Solvers
    • Conjugate Heat Transfer Solver
      • Electronics cooling (PCBs, filters, antennas)
    • Thermal Transient Solver
      • Medical devices and human bio-heating

Please contact Dassault Systemes Indonesia Gold Partner PT Nusantara Secom InfoTech for more information at info.ea@nsi.co.id or visit our website for more information

https://nsi3d.com/, https://www.3ds.com/products/simulia/cst-studio-suite/electromagnetic-simulation-solvers